Laser Free Consultation
Besplatna konsultacija za laser
Opis usluge
During a laser hair removal consultation, clients can expect a comprehensive and personalized assessment of their needs and expectations. The process typically begins with a discussion of the client's medical history and any potential contraindications to laser hair removal, such as skin conditions or recent sun exposure. The clinician will explain the procedure in detail, including how the laser works and what sensations the client might experience. Skin type and hair color will be evaluated to determine the most suitable laser technology and settings for the individual. Clients can also discuss their treatment goals, including which areas they want to target and their desired outcomes. The clinician will provide information on the number of sessions required, the interval between treatments, and pre- and post-care instructions. It's a great opportunity for clients to ask questions and address any concerns they may have, ensuring they feel comfortable and informed before proceeding with the laser hair removal process. Tijekom konzultacije za lasersko uklanjanje dlaka, klijenti mogu očekivati sveobuhvatan i personaliziran pregled njihovih potreba i očekivanja. Proces obično započinje razgovorom o medicinskoj povijesti klijenta i mogućim kontraindikacijama za lasersko uklanjanje dlaka, poput problema s kožom ili nedavnog izlaganja suncu. Stručnjak će detaljno objasniti postupak, uključujući kako laser funkcionira i kakve senzacije klijent može osjetiti. Procijenit će se tip kože i boja dlaka kako bi se odredila najprikladnija tehnologija lasera i postavke za pojedinca. Klijenti također mogu razgovarati o svojim ciljevima tretmana, uključujući koje dijelove tijela žele tretirati i kakve rezultate žele postići. Stručnjak će pružiti informacije o broju potrebnih sesija, vremenskom razmaku između tretmana i uputama za pripremu i njegu prije i poslije tretmana. To je izvrsna prilika za klijente da postave pitanja i izraze svoje zabrinutosti kako bi se osjećali ugodno i informirano prije nastavka procesa laserskog uklanjanja dlaka.
Pravila otkazivanja
MediSpa understands that sometimes schedules change and therefore requests at least 24 hours notice when cancelling or rescheduling your appointment. Appointments NOT cancelled 24 hours for for which clients are a “NoShow” will incur a charge of 50% of the service amount. Please note that appointments made within 24 hours may instead be cancelled or modified at least 4 hours prior to the appointment time in order to avoid a charge of 50% of the service amount. Please note that if you are over 15 minutes late for your appointment we may have to reschedule your service if it cannot be completed in the remaining time frame. All attempts to reschedule in a timely manner will be made. If we do not hear from you 1 hour before your scheduled appointment time it is considered a “No-Show” and your card will be charged for 50% of the service scheduled. Salon values your time and feels that it is fair to honor the same policies we hold to our clients. Should Salon need to cancel on a client due to unsafe weather conditions weather, power outages, or other unforeseen events with less than 24 hours notice we will honor 50% off your next identical service and do all we can to reschedule your appointment in a timely manner. Here at Salon we understand that accidents and emergencies happen that prevent 24 hour notice for cancelling or rescheduling your appointment. Salon members are given one (1) grace appointment a year for last-minute scheduling changes, cancellations, or no-shows. Please inquire at our location or by phone on how to sign up for free today! Thank you for booking your service with Salon, we can’t wait to pamper you!
Podaci za kontakt
MediSpa, Pionirska ulica 48, Rijeka, Hrvatska
Pionirska Ulica 48 Rijeka 51000
MediSpa, obrt za pruzanje kozmetickih usluga, vl Daniela Patrizia Romano, Rijeka, PIONIRSKA 48 96822993220