Aromatherapy Massage
Relaxing aroma massage especially relaxes body muscles, calms the person and has a positive effect on the inner self of the person.
Aromatherapy relaxation massage reduces irritability and tension, restore well-being and removes fatigue. Here at MediSpa Skin Clinic aroma relaxation massage provides stronger health and gives the effect of relaxation on our clients. During the relaxation period, the physiological processes are slowed down in the central nervous system, which can help achieve the state of healthy sleeping. This has a positive effect on physical and mental health. Aromatherapy-relaxation massage facilitates muscle relaxation, restores balance to the heartbeat as well as blood-pressure and activates blood circulation. During the massage, essential oils with calming effects are used. This massage relaxes, eases or completely removes fatigue and tensions that are caused by everyday life.
MediSpa Skin Clinic recommends this message when you want to relax, calm and achieve a general state of rest.
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